Why Montessori

Smiling Dimples Preschool

Montessori Goals :

The main purpose of a Montessori school is to provide a carefully planned, stimulating environment which will help the child develop an excellent foundation for creative learning. The specific goals for the children who attend a Montessori school are:

Developing a positive attitude toward school!

Most of the learning activities are individualized i.e., each child engages in a learning task that particularly appeals to him because, he finds the activities geared to his needs and level of readiness. Consequently, he works at his own rate, repeating the task as often as he likes, thus experiencing a series of successful achievements in this manner, he builds a positive attitude toward learning itself.

Helping each child develop self-confidence!

In the Montessori school, tasks are designed so that each new step is built upon what the child has already mastered, thus removing the negative experience of frequent failure. A carefully planned series of successes builds upon inner confidence likewise, contribute to the child's healthy emotional development.

Assisting each child in building a habit of concentration!

In a rapidly changing society, we will all be students at some time in our lives. A deep, persistent and abiding curiosity is a prerequisite for creative learning. By providing the child with opportunities to discover qualities, dimensions, and relationships amidst a rich variety of stimulating learning situations, curiosity is developed and an essential element in creative learning has been established.

Developing habits of initiative and persistence!

By surrounding the child with appealing materials and learning activities geared to his inner needs, he becomes accustomed to engaging in activities on his own. Gradually, this results in a habit of initiative, an essential quality in leadership. "Ground rules" call for completing a task once begun, and gradually results in a habit of persistence and perseverance.

Fostering inner security and sense of order in the child!

Through a well ordered, enriched, but simplified environment, the child's need for order and security is intensely satisfied. This is noticed in the calming effect the environment has on the child. Since every item in the Montessori classroom has a place, and the ground rules call for everything in its place, the child's inner need for order is directly satisfied.

Dr. MARIA MONTESSORI (1870 – 1952)

Dr. Maria Montessori, Mother of Montessori started the Montessori method of education and designed this through great research, to meet the Child`s development needs in a very comprehensive way.

This methodology helps in addressing the child`s cognitive, physical, linguistic, social and emotional development. It helps a child to explore, experiment and imagine new possibilities. In short, Montessori means educating a child in a joyful way by engaging as many senses as possible.

Montessori Benefits :

The goal is to develop the whole personality of the child; and Montessori is based on a strong belief in the spontaneous working of the human intellect. Three primary principles are observation, individual liberty, and the preparation of the environment. These principles, and their various practical expressions with children, are gradually becoming part of our educational system. Modern kindergarten classrooms use the child sized furniture and didactic materials first introduced by Montessori. Such current concepts as individualized learning and readiness programs, manipulative learning, ungraded classes, combined age groups, team teaching, and open classrooms reflect many of her early insights.

Parents of young children want to feel safe and secure leaving their children in an environment that provides for all of their academic, social, and emotional needs. A Montessori environment does meet all of the above needs, but it also teaches children an "I can do it" attitude that will ensure their future success in all aspects of their life.

Below are some characteristics and benefits of the Montessori method:

Three year age span of children within the classroom

A sense of community is established when the older children mentor the younger ones. Mixed age groupings help to eliminate competition and thus aids in the building of self- esteem.

Self-correcting materials within the environment

Children learn through their own errors to make the correct decision, versus having the teacher point it out to them.

Individual learning takes place within the environment

Montessori recognizes that each child learns at a different pace and allows that growth to take place.

Children are quiet by choice and out of respect for others within the environment

The Montessori classroom allows children to return to the "inner peace" that is a natural part of their personalities.

There is an emphasis on concrete learning rather than on abstract learning

Children need to experience concepts in concrete "hands on" ways.

It is a child centered environment

All the materials are easily within the child's reach, placed on shelves at their levels. The tables and chairs are small enough for the children to sit in comfortable. While the pictures and decorations are placed at the children's eye level.

The children work for the joy of working and the sense of discovery

Children are natural leaders or "sponges" and delight in learning new tasks. Their interest lie in the work itself rather than in the end product.

The environment provides a natural sense of discipline

The "ground rules" or expectations of the child are clearly stated and are enforced by the children and the teachers.

The environment is "prepared" for the children

Everything in the room has a specific place on the shelf. Children are orderly by nature; and having the room set this way allows them to grow in a very positive way.

The teacher plays a very unobtrusive role in the classroom

The children are not motivated by the teacher, but by the need for self-development.

The items found on the shelves in the classroom are "materials" rather than "toys"

The children "work with the materials" rather than "play with the toys." This allows the children to gain the most benefit from the environment by giving them a sense of worth – the same sense of worth adult's experiences as they go to their jobs and do their "work." "Why Montessori?" Well, please consider these unique qualities that are inherent in our approach to education.

The whole child Approach!

The primary goal of a Montessori program is to help each child reach their full potential in all areas of life. Activities promote the development of social skills, emotional growth, and physical coordination as well as cognitive preparation for future intellectual academic endeavors. The holistic curriculum, under the direction of a specifically prepared teacher, allows the child to experience the joy of learning, the time to enjoy the process, and ensures the development of self-esteem. It provides the experiences from which children create their knowledge.

The Prepared Environment!

In orderfor self-directed learning to take place, the whole learning environment: classroom, materials, and social setting/atmosphere, must be supportive of the child. The teacher provides the necessary resources, including opportunities for children to function in a safe and positive environment. Together, the teacher and child form a relationship based on trust and respect that fosters self-confidence and a willingness to try new things.

The Montessori Materials!

Dr. Montessori's observations of the kinds of things which children enjoy, and go back o repeatedly, led her to design a number of multi-sensory, sequential, and self-correcting materials to facilitate learning.

The Teacher!

The Montessori teacher functions as a designer of the environment, resource person, role model, demonstrator, record-keeper and meticulous observer of each child's behavior and growth. The teacher facilitates learning. Extensive training is required for a full Montessori credential, including a year's student teaching under a certified and credentialed teacher. Each teacher has specialized training for the age group with which they will work, i.e. Toddler, Children's House, Primary, Elementary, or Middle School.

A state-of-the –art system which covers all aspects of early development
  • Emphasis on key areas like senso-motor, personality, language and cognition
  • Inputs from early childhood educators, school owners, special educators, preschool teachers and Montessorians
  • Detailed timetable for activities and themes
  • Constant evolution with implementation of new practices and procedures
  • A structured environment with specially designed learning materials
Moving away from conventional methods to ensure effective implementation of the curriculum
  • Scientifically designed materials with specific learning objectives
  • Materials selected through a logical process to adhere to philosophy
  • Learning through a process of exploration and discovery
Enabling teachers to implement the curriculum through comprehensive training
  • Intensive training conducted by academic experts
  • Hands-on activities with all the educational material used in the preschool
A differentiated outlook on child assessment to perfectly complement the curriculum
  • Observation, recording and assessments to ensure that every child meets the development objectives
  • Assessment with built-in benchmarks and other algorithms that provide insights into the child's progress, interests and strengths
  • Providing a foundation for constructive feedback for the parents on the overall development of the child
Expert team to guide the customer to implement the curriculum
  • Technical support for effective use of software and Learning Management System (Learning content, material presentation videos, assessment, creating and managing children records)
  • Teacher mentoring to streamline the day-to-day operations of the preschool

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