About Us

Smiling Dimples Preschool
Nuture, Enrich & Educate Every Child to Become An Achiever in Global Community with Human Greatness.

Smiling Dimples Preschool was started with great passion and determination with a strong intention and willingness to contribute constructive service to the Community we are living in.

Learning opportunities arise from children's natural curiosity mixed with plenty of opportunities to explore, play, and experiment. Developed after years of observation, Dr. Montessori discovered how children succeeded in a positive, nurturing environment where learning objectives and materials were created with their unique developmental abilities and needs in mind.

  • Vision:

    To raise the next generation of thinkers, byproviding quality learning experience to make every child strong both academically and emotionally; To help them explore their creative and imaginative side and support them to acquire skills and competencies to prepare them for their learning journey through our School and in life.

  • Mission:

    To provide a quality, innovative Montessori education in a safe, respectful and nurturing environment through Child-Centered Individualized approach; engage them in a joyful life-long learning experience, inspired by a desire to become Independent and achieve greater heights with a willingness to contribute meaningfully to the Society.


Want to Enroll Your Child to Smiling Dimples?

Why did we Choose Montessori methodology of teaching?

Montessori is a scientifically based education approach as old as 100 years and more than 23,000 schools adopted it across the world. In countries like Japan, Singapore, Netherlands, US, UK Montessori method of teaching has been very prevalent and has been very successful.

Using Montessori Curriculum, Smiling Dimples Montessori House of Children want to achieve:

  • Practical Life:

    Activities that aim to invoke respect and care for the surrounding environment and its belongings. Tasks such as washing, polishing, setting the table with flowers, and cleaning grace and courtesy are the characteristics that we are trying to develop in the child; these activities make them love and care for nature.

  • Sensorial:

    Children learn through senses more than through senses more than through their actions. Each child learns from its sensory abilities through particular quality: smell, size, weight, texture, flavor, color.

  • Language:

    The language can be perceived as the first communicate intelligently and slowly understand its application and importance to speak, tell, listen, and respond. Simultaneously, they learn to write and hence feel the touch of it, also learning about history, music, and arts simultaneously.

  • Mathematics:

    Materials that help the child learn and understand mathematics and lead children intuitively build a strong understanding of numbers and their applications. Such as geometry, algebra, and series, etc...

All in All Montessori method provides a learning experience that is Self-directed with hands-on-learning, Collaborative Play, Practical execution of ideas and it will boost a child`s self-confidence. Hence, in Montessori no child is taken for granted, instead every child is treated with due respect and with balanced attention.